Dear Students, Families, Staff, and Community Members:
As we end the 2018 school year, I would like to thank you for your commitment to Popplewell Elementary School. The success we have experienced since the beginning of school is in part because of committed staff, parents, and students.
November has passed. Ask your child about some of the activities that are fresh in their minds. The Rhinestone Cowboy, Pizza Fundraiser (3rd-5th grade), K-Kids Food Drive, Rotary book reading and all the winter activities that are intertwined into Popplewell’s curriculum. Please check out the pictures on Popplewell Elementary Schools Facebook page at
December is here! It is cold, less daylight and business for the holiday preparations have arrived as well. The upcoming weeks can become overwhelming as families prepare for the holiday festivities, travel, and outings. Each family deals with the holidays in different ways. It is important to remember routines are important. Families need to make a concerted effort to keep routines for their children. Daily reading practice, consistent homework support and family time is essential to keeping routines is important to school success. Arranging your holidays around the many activities is a balancing act. Below is a schedule of activities for the month of December to help remember your children’s activities.
Canned food drive
Nov. 26 – Dec. 6
Little Caesars Pizza Fundraiser (3rd-5th Grade)
Nov. 16 – Kick off
Nov. 30 – Money Collection
Dec. 10 – Distribute Pizza
Honor Choir
Christmas Concert
December 13, 2018
7:00 pm
Christmas Assembly
December 14, 2018
9:00 am
Winter Party
Classroom parties
December 20, 2018
Christmas Vacation
Break Begins
December 21, 2018 – January 4, 2019
School Resumes
January 7, 2019
It is the time of year when I like to chat about attendance and tardiness. As you know, we have attendance and tardiness policies. We know there is a powerful link between successful learning and regular school attendance. “It’s only one day! Why is attendance all that important?” Learning builds day by day, and if your child is not in school, he/she can’t learn. When students return from being absent they have to work harder to catch up on class discussions and to make up missing assignments. Having good attendance matters. Getting to school on time is also important for the success of your children. Transitioning from home to school early in the morning is difficult for many children. Being tardy causes your child to miss important directions and social learning during morning meeting. If you are unsure about the attendance and tardiness policies, please refer to the Elementary Student Handbook given to parents during registration.
Again, I would like to thank the committed staff, parents, community, and students for a successful start to a great year. I would also like to wish everyone a great holiday break.
Cynthia Cooper
Principal, Popplewell Elementary