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Popplewell Newsletter - May

Dear Students, Families, Staff, and Community Members: Every month I write a letter outlining information about Popplewell Elementary School. This month of May I would like to dedicate this monthly letter to the teachers and staff of Popplewell Elementary School!

Each year, we take one week to celebrate our teachers and what they do for our school. Popplewell shows appreciation to all the staff this week, May 6-10, we will honor our teachers and staff with a number of fun treats and gifts during Teacher Appreciation Week. We try at Popplewell to show appreciation throughout the year. However, this week we will bombard our staff with love and appreciation! Let’s show our teachers and staff how much we love them and thank them for working with our children!

First and foremost, thanks to everyone for all the hard work and energy put into their jobs. At Popplewell we see working, learning and smiling children in the halls, classroom, and playground. There are many obstacles that education presents, however, it’s vital that we not lose the wonderful moments and memories that happen each day. These memories are because of our staff and their dedication to the students of Popplewell!

I believe that school is supposed to be fun, without dedicated staff this would not happen. It starts with the classroom teacher. Their attitude generates a sense of well-being to all staff in the building. I am continuously impressed with the amount of time and energy teachers put into Popplewell Elementary Schools success!

My greatest appreciation this year has been the positive attitudes, dedication and respect our staff has for one another and their students. The staff supports, appreciates and enjoys each other and the students daily.

I want to say thank you for all you do. As adults, we ALL need appreciation for what we do, so I want to assure all that although working at Popplewell sometimes feels like an unappreciated effort day in and day out, it is NOT. I appreciate all those extra things; those extra hours you work to ensure learning and to help our students be successful. I could not do this alone, it takes a whole staff to educate our students; maintenance/custodial, kitchen, paras, specialists, block teachers, classroom teachers, other administrators, and last and the most important to all office secretaries at Popplewell Elementary School! THANKS, FOR ALL YOU DO!

Again, let’s show our teachers, staff and all who have contact with kids how much we love them and thank them for working with our children, by simply saying thanks! Sincerely, Cynthia M Cooper Principal Popplewell Elementary School

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