From the Child Mind Institute
At Buhl School District we hope to bring you valuable information not only to help the students in our school, but the citizens in our community. Now that summer is at hand, we want to give you, the parents, a little help this summer. If you have been wanting to know how to better improve your students summer break, make sure to read this list of tips from the Child Mind Institute.
A link to their website is posted here if you want to see the full article.
Maintain your schedule
Make it visual
Make plans
Get outdoors
Maintain - or create - a behavioral system
Find support
Mimic home routines, even when traveling
When school ends you know you want to spend quality time with your child but sometimes we can start to think, "What do we do now?". Know that there are many summer activities in Idaho that can help you look back on this summer break and think that it was the best you've had yet. Within the Buhl community there will be our annual parades, fairs, and public library activities. Don't miss out on these opportunities! As dates for summer activities come up, we will be posting them onto our school website. Have a nice summer break Buhl Indians!