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BHS Canned Food Drive!

BHS Student | Sadie Kaes Senior Project

BHS is hosting a canned food drive this week, November 18th through the 25th at 12:07PM. To make things a little more interesting, there is an incentive for the grade level that brings in the most cans and accumulates the most points. The list below will show you what types of food will bring in the most points for that day. Thank you in advance for participating in this drive and helping our community.

Special Cans

- Nov. 18th | All things fruit

- Nov. 19th | All things veggies

- Nov. 20th | Peanut Butter & Jelly

- Nov. 21st | Ramen or Canned Soup

- Nov. 22nd | Beans & Free For All

*Each class needs to bring in more than 300 cans.

**Please make sure not to bring in expired cans.


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