Hello BSD Families,
We are contacting you today to inform you of a statewide school safety matter.
Law enforcement agencies across the state of Idaho have received reports of statewide bomb threats. These reports are not specific or targeted and after a thorough investigation, it has been determined that the bomb threats are, in fact, a hoax. At this time, the Buhl School District has NOT received any threats or reports of threats at any one of its school sites or campuses. In addition, we have been in communication with the Buhl Police Department and they have also determined there is no local threat to the safety of our schools at this time.
Our primary concern, as always, is the safety and well-being of all students, staff, and faculty members within our school community. Please take this opportunity to discuss school safety with your family.
Angie Oparnico, Ed. S
Buhl School District
208-543-6436 ext 100