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7000 - Financial Management

7000 - Financial Management Goals

7010 - Equivalence in Instructional Staff and Materials

7100 - Budget and Program Planning

7110 - Budget Implementation and Execution

7120 - Budget Adjustments

7200 - Accounting System Design

7210 - Fixed Assets and Management Discussion and Analysis

7215 - Fund Accounting System

7218 - Federal Grants

7220 - Documentation and Approval of Claims

7225 - Financial Fraud and Theft Prevention

7230 - Financial Reporting and Audits

7235 - Fiscal Accountability and IDEA Part B Funds

7235F1 - Federal Funds Certification Form

7235F2 - Personal Activity Report

7235F3 - Multiple Cost Objective Time and Effort Certification

7235P - Written Compensation Procedure

7236 - Employees Paid with Federal Funds

7237 - Retention to Records Relating to Federal Grants

7260 - Student Activity Fund

7270 - Property Records

7300 - Revenues

7305 - Investment of Funds

7310 - Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancement

7320 - Allowable Uses for Grant Funds

7320P - Determining Necessity and Reasonableness of Expenses

7320P2 - Selected Items of Cost

7400 - Procurement Management System

7400F - Time and Effort Documentation

7400P1 - Procurement Under a Federal Award

7400P2 - Procurement Methods Under a Federal Award

7400P3 - Requirements and Restrictions for Procurement - Federal Award

7400P4 - Federal Contract Administration

7403 - Procurement of Goods and Services for School Meal Program

7405 - Public Works Contracting and Procurement

7405P - Procuring Public Works, Services and Personal Property

7407 - Public Procurement of Goods and Services

7408 - Entering into Professional Service Contracts

7409 - Acquisition of Read and Personal Property

7410 - Petty Cash Funds

7420 - Personal Reimbursements

7430 - Travel Allowances and Expenses

7430P - Travel Allowances and Expenses Procedure

7440 - District Credit Cards

7440F - District Credit Card Holder Agreement

7450 - Federal Cash Management Policy

7450P - Timely Obligation of Funds

7450P2 - Program Income

7455 - Federal Debarment and Suspension

7500 - New Fees or Increase of Fees

7600 - Declaration of Financial Emergency

7600FA1 - Declaration of Financial Emergency Document

7600FA2 - Declaration of Financial Emergency Document 2

7600P - Declaration of Financial Emergency Procedure

7700 - Creation, Purpose and Maintenance of Bond Account

7710 - Bond Continuing Disclosure and Certification Requirements

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