Monday, Aug. 17:
Popplewell Group A open house and orientation for students and parents; MS and HS Group A students start school
Tuesday, Aug. 18:
Popplewell Group B open house and orientation for students and parents; MS and HS Group B students start school
Wednesday, Aug. 19:
Popplewell Group A students start school, Wakapa Group A students start school, MS and HS Group A students attend school
Thursday, Aug. 20:
Popplewell Group B students start school, Wakapa Group B students start school; MS and HS Group B students attend school
Friday, Aug. 21:
Distance Learning Day – all students
Monday, Aug. 24:
Group A students all buildings attend school
Tuesday, Aug. 25:
Group B students all buildings attend school
Wednesday, Aug. 26:
Group A students all buildings attend school
Thursday, Aug. 27:
Group B students all buildings attend school
Friday, Aug. 28:
Distance Learning Day – all students
Monday, Aug. 31:
Group A students all buildings attend school
Tuesday, Sept. 1:
Group B students all buildings attend school
Wednesday, Sept. 2:
Distance Learning Day – all students
Thursday, Sept. 3 - Monday, Sept. 7:
School Closed for Fair and Labor Day
Tuesday, Sept. 8:
Group A students all buildings attend school
Wednesday, Sept. 9:
Group B students all buildings attend school
Thursday, Sept. 10:
Group A students all buildings attend school
Friday, Sept. 11:
Group B students all buildings attend school