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March Challenge Winners

Be Creative: Banner is a picture of a dog by Gaila Pelayo.

A month of Creativity.

This month was by far our busiest month and all of the entries coming in were filled with great passion and emotion. The challenge was to focus on "A day I will always remember" or "Who knows me best" and the students did not disappoint. The writers had the freedom to pick their form of writing for this challenge but the artists were challenged with submitting a photograph capturing one of the statements. It was honestly a tough decision but without further ado here are the March Writing and Art Challenge Winners. I hope you are able to see their creativity through their work and in turn be inspired to nurture your own creativity.

The winners received a $15 Broadway Java Gift Card. Just as a reminder of this challenge, we pick a winner for the art category and writing category from the Buhl Middle School and also from the Buhl High School/WAKAPA. The students are able to submit one piece for each category every month. This challenge is meant to help our students foster their creativity and to give them an outlet where they can be challenged. This is an opportunity where they can share their art and writing skills with their school, community, and all those who view our site and social media.


Art Winning Pieces: (Click on image to enlarge)


Writing Winning Pieces: (Click on link to view)

By: Hailey Black

By: Samantha Ourique



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