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BMS Newsletter

Dear Parents and Community Members,

We want to send out a big Thank You to the Buhl community for supporting our World’s Finest Chocolate Sale. Our students did an amazing job selling their chocolates. We were able to make our goal again this year.  Our top three sellers this year were Stori Poppay, Walter Olsen and Aspen Eckert. Our other top sellers were Derek Hunsaker, Adolfo Arredondo, Jack Palos, John Adam, Ofelia Alonso, David Garcia, Keala Jaynes, Rhett Scott, Emily Verduzco and Kaiden Villaro. Great job everyone!  We want express our appreciation to our Chocolate Moms and especially Richie Eckert. Richie has helped with this fundraiser for more than twelve years. She has worked hard to ensure that our fundraiser runs smoothly for our students and parents and that we can meet the needs of our school every year.

It has come to our attention that the drop off for our students needs to be improved to help with safety and traffic flow.  We are working to make changes to the parking lot for student drop off and pick up.  We will be posting the changes on Facebook and sending information home with students as soon as we are able to complete the changes to ensure parents are kept up to date.  We are asking that parents talk to their high school student who may be dropping of a younger sibling to please use caution and slow down in the parking lot areas. 

We are coming to the end of the first quarter, which will end on Nov. 1st. The middle school will be holding student led parent/teacher conferences on Nov. 6th and 7th from 4 to 8 both nights. Our annual chili feed will be on Thursday, the 7th. We invite all of our families to come and enjoy a meal and meet their child’s teachers. The library is holding their annual book fair for the students during the week of conferences.  Stop by the library and find some good reads for the winter. 

Over 300 Tribe Pride tickets have been given out so far this year. Our students are doing an excellent job of demonstrating Preparedness, Responsibility, Integrity, Determination and Excellence. The cold weather has hit us quickly this year. Please talk to your student about bundling up and dressing appropriately for the weather each day. 

Audrey Swayze


Buhl Middle School


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