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BMS | Parent Training Project

Dear Buhl Middle School Parents,

Our school is partnering with Boise State to help to develop a Parent Training Module to equip parents to help their middle school children when they indicate they have witnessed bullying at school. I would like to encourage you to participate in the project. If you choose to participate in the project, you will receive up to $125 in Amazon gift cards as a “thank you” for your participation from the team at Boise State. This includes $75 for participation in the first part of the project and an additional $50 if you are selected for the second part of the project.

Part 1.

Participation in a Parent Training that will be delivered as an on-demand webinar you can complete online. The webinar will last about 20 minutes. You will also be asked to complete surveys immediately before and after the training to evaluate the training. The surveys will each take about 15 minutes to complete. The project will take a total of about 50 minutes from beginning to end. Everything will take place online. You will receive a $75 Amazon gift card as a “thank you” for your participation from the team at Boise State.

Anyone can register by clicking the link below and entering your name and contact information. Boise State can only train 25 parents at this time. Only the first 25 to sign up will be able to participate. It will be first come, first serve for signing up. The sign up is open now and closes on April 11 or once 25 parents have signed up, whichever comes first.

If you sign up, you will receive an email from Boise State with instructions for completing surveys and the training. Please look for that email from Boise State on April 12.

Part 2.

After being trained and completing the surveys, 8 parents will be randomly selected to participate in an online focus group to provide feedback about the training. The focus group will take about 45 minutes. You will receive an additional $50 gift card after the focus group as a “thank you” for your participation.

To sign up for this opportunity click the link below:

We look forward to this exciting opportunity for our school and hope that you will consider participating.


Kayla Kelly

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