BMS Registration Dates and Times:
Wednesday, August 5
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, August 6
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
BMS Fees for 2020-21
A middle school activity card is required if participating in athletics.
BMS Associated Student Body Card: $25.00
Middle School Annual: $25.00
Chrome Book Insurance: $20.00
Extracurricular Participation fee: $20.00
Your child needs the following immunizations(s) to be in compliance with Idaho State Law:
Children born on or before September 1, 1999:
(4) DTaP, (1) MMR, (3) Polio, (3) Hepatitis B
Children born after September 1, 1999 through September 1, 2005:
(5) DTaP, (2) MMR, (3) Polio, (3) Hepatitis B
Children born after September 1, 2005:
(5) DTaP, (2) MMR, (4) Polio, (3) Hepatitis B, (2) Varicella, (2) Hepatitis A
In addition to the above, all 7 th and 8 th grade students are required to have (1) Tdap, (1)
According to state law and district policy, we cannot allow your child to attend school unless we receive evidence that the above requirements are met. Failure to receive the above vaccinations or an appropriate waiver or exemption before registration for the 2020-21 school year will result in your child being excluded from school in accordance with Idaho State Law IDAPA 16.02.15, section 102.03
For all students the following documentation is required in order to enroll and attend
Buhl Schools.
Certified birth certificate
Immunization records
Proof of residency (utility bill, rental agreement, etc.)
This is to follow Idaho Code and Buhl School District Policy. If an official birth
certificate is not available at the time of registration, students will be able to enroll with
proof that one has been requested from the Idaho Bureau of Vital Statistics (or
appropriate state of birth.)
If you have any questions, please contact the BMS Office at: (208) 543-8292
Registration Information Page: https://www.buhlschools.org/registration-information
BMS Supply List
6th Grade
#2 Pencils
Yellow, Pink & Green Highlighters
Colored Pencils
Large Zipper Binder with Dividers for 8 Classes
8 Pocket Folders
Loose Leaf College Ruled Paper
Glue Stick
Blue, Black and Red Pens
Zippered Pencil Pouch
5 Clean Edge Spiral Notebooks
Spiral Notebook for Computer/Tech
7th Grade
1 Composition Notebook
Yellow, Pink, Green & Blue Highlighters
#2 Pencils
Large Zipper Binder with Dividers for 8 Classes
Colored Pencils
Loose Leaf College Ruled Paper
8 Pocket Folders
Blue, Black and Red Pens
Glue Stick
5 Clean Edge Spiral Notebooks
Zippered Pencil Pouch
1 set Spiral Bound 3x5 Index Cards
Spiral Notebook for Computer/Tech
8th Grade
#2 Pencils
Red, Pink, Yellow & Green Highlighters
Colored Pencils
Jump Drive/Thumb Drive
6 Spiral Notebooks
1 Large Zipper Binder
Glue Stick
Blue, Black and Red Pens
1 Scientific Calculator
1 Package 3x5 Index Cards
Zippered Pencil Pouch
3 Packages ¼ inch Graph Paper
Spiral Notebook for Computer/Tech
4 Packages Loose Leaf College Ruled Paper