Popplewell Elementary Newsletter
Dear Parents,
What an exciting time of year! Students turn a corner in February. This is when we see many students take giant leaps in their learning. Students who have struggled are starting to take off. Students who struggled with reading fluently are sounding like pros. Students who have fought with their addition and subtraction facts are finding that things are starting to click. This is a true testament to all the work done at school and at home since the start of the school year.
So, let's keep the positive growth going with the coordinate efforts between home and school. Remember, you can/should read with your child each night. Students need to read with you for:
a fluent model of what reading sounds like,
seeing that you value the practice needed to grow as a reader,
continued practice of strategies and skills learned at school,
quality time for you and your child.
Thank you for your continued support at home!
Cynthia Cooper,
Popplewell Elementary Principal
Character Education Theme: Caring
What does it mean to be caring?
Showing concern for others.
Using your words and actions to help someone.
Giving of yourself without expecting anything in return.
What are some words that describe character trait of caring?
How to show caring? Giving?
Show respect
Be kind to all
Be helpful
Positivity towards others etc.
Penny Drive
Start saving your pennies! The annual K-Kids Penny Drive will begin Monday, February 3rd and end on Friday, February 14th. This year the grade level with THE MOST money will get an ice cream sandwich party. All proceeds from the penny drive will go to the Twin Falls Humane Society to help animals in the Magic Valley.
Thanks to the Buhl Community for all their support to our school Popplewell Elementary and thanks to our staff, students, and parents for all of their dedication and assistance.