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5000 - Personnel 

​5000 - Board Goal/Personnel
5100 - Hiring Process and Criteria
5100F1 - Authorization for Release of Information
5100F2 - Request to Employer
5100F3 - Request for Verification 

5100P - Procedures for Obtaining Personnel Records
5105 - Certificated Personnel Employment
5107 - Informal Review 
5110 - Criminal History/Background Checks

5120 - Equal Employment Opportunity
​5125 - Reporting New Employees
5130 - Administrative Leave
5200 - Applicability of Personnel Policies

5205 - Job Descriptions
5210 - Work Day 
5220 - Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers
5230 - Accommodating Individuals W
ith Disabilities
5235 - Health Examination

5240 - Sexual Harassment

5250 - Certificated Staff Grievances
​5260 - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
5260F - Reporting Form
5265 - Employee Responsibility - Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
5270 - Personal Conduct

5275 - Adult Sexual Misconduct
5280 - Code of Ethics

5285 - Solicitations by Staff Members
5290 - Political Activity 
5295 - Professional Employee Representation

5295P - Professional Employee Representation for Negotiations
5310 - Tobacco Free Policy 

5320 - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
5320F1 - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing Acknowledgment
5320F2 - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing Agreement
5320P - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing Procedures/Program
5325 - Employee Use of Social Media Sites

5325F - Social Media Site Authorization Form
5325P - Recommended Practices for Social Media Sites
​5330 - Employee Electronic Mail and Online Services Usage
5330F - Employee Contract Internet Use
5335 - Employee Use of  Electronic Communications Devices
5335F - Mobile Computing Device Agreement
5340 - Evaluation of Certificated Personnel 
5350 - Certified Personnel Resignation
5360 - Dress and Appearance 
5370 -  Nonschool Employment by Professional Staff Members
5380 - Professional Research and Publishing
5400 - Leaves of Absence
5405 - Proof of Illness for Sick Leave
5410 - Family and Medical Leave
5410P - Family and Medical Leave Procedure
5412 - Jury Duty
5413 - Witness for Court Appearance Leave
5420 - Long-Term Illness/Temporary Disability 
5420P - Long-Term Illnes/Temporary Disability Procedure
5430 - Insurance Benefits for Employees
5440 - School Holidays
5450 - Vacation Leave 
5460 - Worker's Compensation Benefits
5470 - Leaves of Absence - Military Leave
5480 - Leadership Premiums
5500 - Personnel Files
5500P - Procedures for Releasing Personnel Records
5600 - Staff Health 
5610 - Prevention of Disease 
5700 - Substitutes
5710 - Teacher Aides and Paraeducators
5725 - Private Service Providers/Consultants
5740 - Reduction in Force
5740P - Reduction in Force Procedures
5750 - Employing Retired Teachers and Administrators
5800 - Classified Employment, Assignment, and Grievance
5800P - Classified Employee Grievance
5810 - Compensatory Time and Overtime for Classified Employees
5815 - Employee Compensation, Non-Annualized Election
5815F - Notice of Salary Payments for Ten-Month Employees
5820 - Evaluation of Non-Certified Staff

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