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BMS students visit Boise Art Museum

James Castle was an Idaho artist whose artwork was very interesting for a variety of reasons. James was deaf, but did not learn sign language. He did not read or write. James knew nothing of the art world outside of his small community. He learned to do his artwork on his own, and could draw with great perspective, or create abstract pieces. He made his art from found objects, garbage, and soot from his stove. When they renovated his home, they found over a million dollars worth of art work in the walls and his pieces have been collected by many major institutions.

Recently, some 7th and 8th grade art students from Buhl Middle School had the opportunity to visit the James Castle exhibit at the Boise Art Museum. The exhibit inspired the students to create constructed animal art, using left over supplies and also James Castle-like drawings. The first two photos are James Castles' works and the next seven are student pieces.


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