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Announcement: School Closure

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

Announcement: School Closure

Buhl School District will be closed for students on Monday, March 16 to give staff the opportunity to prepare for the possibility of an extended school closure due to concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus. Currently the school district is not aware of any staff or students that have been confirmed with or exposed to COVID-19. School will be in session Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday there is no school for students and the beginning of Spring Break.

Buhl School District, in coordination with the South Central Public Health District and other school districts, will implement the following precautions immediately:

  1. BSD has suspended all district out of state travel for students and staff (senior trips, conferences, field trips, etc.) until further notice.  This may be extended to out of district travel at a future date.

  2. Starting 3/16/20, there will be no indoor gatherings in confined areas (i.e. gyms, auditoriums, cafeteria) of more than 250 people at any one time within our schools. This includes school and community events. This may require schools to cancel assemblies, postpone evening events, etc.

  3. Attendance policies related to credits, finals, awards, etc. are suspended. Student absences still need to be verified.

  4. Outdoor activities will continue until further notice.

  5. Continue to promote good hygiene practices.

  6. Any staff or students who are symptomatic (fever, cough, shortness of breath) will need to be cleared by medical personnel before returning to school. If you have questions, please contact the district office.

Other restrictions and precautions may be implemented when cases are identified in Idaho based on recommendations from the Governor and South Central Public Health District. We are also in the process of identifying strategies for distance learning should we have the need to close school. If you have questions, South Central Public Health District has set up a hotline at 208-737-1138. Other information is available at Information on symptoms can be found at


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