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Graduation 2020 Update

Updated: May 28, 2020

BHS Graduation 2020 | Ceremony update for class of 2020 | Banner Image

In an effort to accommodate as many people as possible under the current circumstances, we have decided to do the following to honor our graduates:

May 29th: Parade

Each graduate will be allowed one vehicle for the parade. Feel free to decorate your car. Graduates, please wear your cap and gown. Please remain in your vehicle and adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Cars can arrive at the BHS parking lot starting at 6 pm so we can start at 6:30.

Cars will need to be driven by a parent/guardian. Cars will be lined up so we can recognize each senior. Each graduate will be given their diploma and a picture will be taken. Cars will then exit the HS parking lot and line up behind the fire truck in the MS parking lot. The Buhl Fire Department will lead the parade. The parade will follow the Homecoming parade route.

Please have your family and friends park along the parade route. This celebration will be on our Facebook Live!

There will also be a special video posted for our graduates on our Facebook page and Youtube channel at 3 pm.

June 25th: Walk the Stage

We will allow family groups (per social distancing guidelines) into the building in order for the graduate to walk across the stage. We will schedule times for each graduate that wants to participate in this activity. Families will enter through the front doors and be escorted to the gym. The graduate will be announced and walk the stage for a photo opportunity in front of their family. Please bring your diploma with you if you would like it in the photo.


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