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Letter From The Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This year we have implemented the B.E.A.S.T program at the high school as a way to help build a positive culture. The “B” stands for being a good human. We know the potential of our students and want to recognize those who are helping build that culture by their actions. Unfortunately, we have had multiple incidents of vandalism in our bathrooms. Because of this, we have locked them during class time. However, they are open between every passing period and during lunch. We are asking for your help by having discussions with your child about taking pride in their school and speaking up when they see others not showing that same pride. We know that speaking out against their peers can be difficult; so, an email to the administration would be just as helpful. Thank you for your support in helping us create an environment where your child will have the best chance to succeed. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Shari Moulton


Buhl High School



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