Dear Parents, Students, Staff, and Community,
Happy April, everyone! Spring has Sprung! I hope that you all had a great spring break with your families. April brings with it the season of assessments. That’s good! Your child will get the chance to show the progress he or she has made this year.
I want to give a great big thanks to our extraordinary Fundraiser Committee. They have been working hard to finish our Math-a-thon. We are not sure how to thank everyone for their continued support of Popplewell Elementary.
One of our goals at Popplewell is to teach everyone in our community to be problem solvers. If we are to survive and thrive in this ever-changing world, we need to practice solving as many problems as possible. Our students learn problem-solving through sharing, taking turns, and dealing with disappointment. By instilling the ability to problem solve at an early age, they will grow up to become responsible and self-sufficient. They will also be able to make healthy and appropriate decisions in any setting. The following process is taken from the Love and Logic Institute, a research-driven, whole child philosophy.
Step 1: Provide a strong and sincere dose of empathy.
Empathy allows the child to stay calm enough to solve the problem—and learn from it. Experiment with saying something like: Oh no. This is a problem. I bet that’s really upsetting.
Step 2: Hand the problem back.
After you have proven that you care, ask: What do you think you might do to solve this problem? Don’t be shocked if the child mumbles, “I don’t know.
Step 3: Ask permission to share what “some kids” have tried.
Avoid giving suggestions until you have asked: Would you like to hear what some other kids have tried?
Step 4: Provide two or three alternatives for solving the problem.
Remember to avoid resistance by saying: Some kids decide to ________. How would that work for you?
Step 5: Allow the child to solve or not to solve the problem.
Resist the urge to tell the child which alternative to pick. End the session by showing your faith in the child and say: Good luck! Let me know how this turns out. Thanks for reading! (Charles Fay, Ph.D).
Again, Popplewell Staff and students sincerely thank each and every individual for your continued backing. Especially me!
Mrs. Cooper - Principal
Love and Logic Institute Website:
Community and County Resources:
W.E.M.A Food Pantry 208-329-2393
Boys and Girls Club 208 329-700
Family Health Services 208-543-8271
Nutritious Meals:
The monthly menu’s are unavailable. The kitchen posts weekly on the website. PES Menus | Buhl School District (
Appreciation Corner:
Thanks to our amazing fundraiser committee. Once again accomplished an amazing fundraiser. Thanks for all of your hard work.
Character Education Theme: Problem Solving
What does it mean to problem solve? What words should I use? How do I show the character traits of problem solving? Use the solution wheel.
