Dear Buhl School District Students, Staff, Parents and Residents,
On behalf of the Buhl Joint School District, I am pleased to welcome our students, their families, our staff, and community to the 2021-2022 school year. I hope you had an enjoyable and safe summer break.
First and foremost, I am honored and deeply privileged to serve as Superintendent for the Buhl School District. While no one could have predicted the Covid-19 pandemic and how much it has impacted our lives the past sixteen months, I am looking forward to the beginning of, what I hope will be, a more familiar start to the school year.
I will continue to communicate pertinent health and safety updates as they are received. Our district Safe Return To In-Person Instruction Plan can be found on our district website As stated in the plan, our goal this school year is to maximize face-to-face instruction in a safe environment. The best way for this goal to be achieved is for parents, students, and district staff to collaborate and work together. For this school year, both state and federal funds have been utilized to improve student services in mental health, academic support, and the continuation of proven cleaning and disinfecting practices. Air purification and updated air filtration systems have been installed/implemented in all district facilities.
I deeply believe in a quality and comprehensive education for all students. Buhl is known for positive and healthy relationships between staff and students. Thank you for entrusting our dedicated district staff with educating and caring for the wonderful students of this community.
My mission as your Superintendent is also my passion and is the reason I do what I do. That is, to maintain and grow a rigorous teaching and learning environment that provides every student with a sense of belonging while helping students grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially. It is crucial to every student's success that they graduate from high school with the habits of mind and skills necessary to pursue and achieve their goals and dreams.
I look forward to the adventure ahead!
With great pride,

David Carson Ed.S.