Heather Leishman
Heather Leishman
Heather Leishman
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I get an Access ID and Access Password for my child?
The access ID and password are given to you from your child's school. If you have lost them, you can call the school or come into the school to get the ID and password for your account.
Does the school setup my PowerSchool Parent Portal Account?
No, you set up your account. Instructions are available on our Parents page.
What do I do if I forgot my PowerSchool Parent Portal login username or password?
Follow the instructions on the link shown in PowerSchool or contact Jessie Busmann through email at
Why am I not receiving email notifications that I signed up for?
You may have forgotten to update your email address in the PowerSchool Parent Portal when you switched email addresses. You can update it by logging in and updating your information in Account Preferences. The emails may be going to your spam or junk folder, be sure to check there if you haven't changed your email.
Do I have to have a separate account for each of my children?
No! You can have one account with all of your children attached. You just need the Access ID and Access Password for each child.
Can both parents have a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account with different usernames and passwords?
Yes! Both parents can have their own separate parent portal account. You can also allow access for other guardians as well. Perhaps they are staying with their grandmother for a time; you can allow her to setup her own account as well.
How quickly will students’ grades and attendance be available in the PowerSchool Parent Portal?
The information is in real-time. As soon as a teacher publishes grades or takes attendance on your child, it shows up in the PowerSchool Parent Portal right away. Grades will be entered in a timely manner. It is not expected, however, that a test or major assignment will be graded and entered into PowerSchool Parent Portal the same day it is completed.
Who do I contact with a question about my child’s grades?
Contact your child’s individual teacher with specific grading questions.
What am I able to see and do in PowerSchool?
View your child's attendance.
View general comments by your student’s teachers.
View your student’s grades, assignment scores, citizenship grades, and credit hours.
Receive various email notifications from the school.
Read the school’s daily announcements.
Change parent account profile information, including adding other children’s data to parent’s account.
Still having trouble? Forget your password? Please email Jessie Busmann for assistance.