Buhl School District Parents, Students and Staff,
In light of an increase in staff shortages at the high school due to a variety of illnesses, Buhl High School was closed today January 19, 2022. The high school will also be closed Thursday and Friday, January 20 and 21, 2022. Students and staff will utilize remote learning on these days. School will resume regular hours on Monday, January 24, 2022. Wakapa, Buhl Middle School, and Popplewell Elementary will be open and operating as usual.
During the two remote learning days at the high school, teachers will be sharing assignments with students through Google Classroom. Students are expected to keep up with their school work. Please contact teachers through email with questions or if you need assistance. All extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled. Buhl High School students who need to pick up their Chromebook for remote learning can do so by going to the high school between 8 am and 12 pm on Thursday and Friday.
Our school district is experiencing a shortage of substitutes. If you or anyone you know is able to assist in this area we would greatly appreciate it. Please contact the district office at 208 543-6436 for more information.
Thank you for your support and understanding as we work through this unfavorable situation together.
David Carson